Thursday, January 5, 2017

Oatmeal and dealing with deep winter

My yummy dinner from last night. You wouldn't believe how delicious oatmeal and ice cream or talanta or frozen yogurt is together, unless of course you've had it. My boyfriend turned me on to this. And it's so good, there's loads of combinations, we've done a lot of them. From frozen and fresh fruit to mixed nuts and almond milk oh and honey
Mine last night was vanilla bean yogurt and oatmeal with stevia to sweeten and vanilla flavoring. SO DELICIOUS!! 😛
In other news, I've accomplished a lot of my weekly goals, which makes me really proud! Like already have in 2 hours of studying, found several new inspirational study blogs to follow, gotten yoga in every day except one. Hopefully I can stay the course and accomplish even more goals. It's such a good feeling. I'm the type of person who enjoys structure and staying busy, I tend to get depressed when I'm not busy so it can make even things like studying really difficult, I'd prefer to be outside and with these days you can't be outside very long when it's -5 below zero Fahrenheit, staying focused on goals in the winter helps a lot.
The things I do go out for, are like chores, to pet my horse, run around a little, if you want snow balls are always fun, or building a snow man. Then there's coffee, hot chocolate or tea when you come back in to warm this feeling. 
How does winter affect your mood and goals?
Have you ever tried oatmeal and frozen yogurt, or a vegan substitute?

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